AMGA Emerging Leaders Program Nomination Form

New this year, AMGA is offering an emerging leaders program at our 2018 Annual Conference in Phoenix, March 7-10. This specially designed program will equip rising leaders at medical groups and health systems across the country with the knowledge, insights, and connections needed to succeed now and in the future.

To keep this an exclusive group, we are asking current group leaders to nominate your emerging leaders for participation in this program. Individuals you should consider nominating include individuals identified in your succession plans; new board members, department chairs, or service line leads; or any others you believe would benefit from this program.

This is an invitation-only event. Upon nominating your emerging leader, we will send an email directly to your nominee(s) with registration information. Pending interest, we hope to offer a year-round emerging leaders council soon, including access to an online community for shared learning and open discussion with peers.

Please complete the form below with information for your emerging leader nominees. There is no limit to the number of emerging leaders from your organization.


Please enter the name, title, email address, and phone number of your emerging leader(s) below:

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Submitter Name and Contact information: *
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Your form submission WILL be encrypted using SSL to ensure your privacy.

AMGA | One Prince Street, Alexandria, VA 22314-3318
(703) 838-0033 phone (703) 548-1890 fax
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